New MAC Pigment Packaging

The more I read and think about MAC’s new pigment packaging, the more irritated I am. Currently, MAC pigments retail for $19.50 for a jar that is 7.5 grams. The packaging looks like this:
Starting with the All Races collection in January, all pigments will be in a 4.5 gram package that looks like this:
I don’t mind the slimmer packaging. What I do mind is the price. The problem is that they’re going from 7.5 grams to 4.5 grams and they still cost $19.50.
To put that in perspective, at the 7.5g size the pigments were $2.60 per gram of product. Not that bad.
Now at 4.5g size, the pigments are $4.33 per gram.
Never before has MAC ever hiked up the prices on a product by that much. It annoys me. It’s not cool. I do like the smaller packaging, but they should have reduced the price accordingly.
If you feel the same, I urge you to write to MAC’s customer service and tell them how you feel. They say they do listen to us, so let’s give them some feedback!
On the plus side, there are tons of mineral etailers selling loose pigments at much more reasonable prices. Check out the lovely creations at Meow Cosmetics, Aromaleigh, and Fyrinnae! (links on the left)

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