Not So Fun With Facials…

Well I finally did it! I royally screwed up, haha. I was using DDF Sulphur Mask, which I’ve used a bunch of times in the past without incident. I put it on for about 30 minutes, and washed it off with warm water.

My face is in a sad state of affairs now. Check out that hot no-makeup, no-eyebrow photo! Do I look a little pink and puffy to you? In person, it’s bright RED. Like a sunburn. This photo was taken with my cell phone so it’s kinda washed out.

Eep. I have been slathering my face with aloe, and it helps.

But uh, the red really makes my green eyes pop, eh?


p.s. Oh hai jacked up eyebrows!


  1. Katrina says
  2. Alla says
  3. Alyson says

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