Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Fragmented Alice Collection


Those of you who follow me on Instagram know I recently attended the official launch of Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics’ collaborative collection “Fragmented Alice”. The collection is a dual effort with artist Gail Potocki.

Her collection of artwork by the same name is a twisted, dark take on Alice in Wonderland. The makeup shades reflect the artist’s psychedelic and surreal take on Alice.  After the shades had been formulated and named, the painting above was created incorporating the shades from the collection. It’s really cool to see how art can inspire beauty, which can in turn inspire more art.

The launch was an intimate affair with the artist’s work on display, which was really cool. There was also a demo by one of the Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics makeup artists, recreating the makeup look that inspired the painting.

demo3I absolutely loved the model’s dress, too!

art1One of my favorite pieces from the collection
(oil on linen, painted by Gail Potocki)

art2My favorite painting from the collection – reminds me of ceiling cat!
(oil on linen, painted by Gail Potocki)

And of course…the makeup!


The “leading lady” of this collection is the new lip tar, Fragmented. It’s a brand new formula – a hybrid of the metallic and stained gloss formulas in a shimmering acid green shot through with gold.

The collection also includes 3 beautiful loose color concentrates, and 2 stunning nail polishes.


Nevar – dirty golden olive
Curved Sky – icy white/iridescent blue-violet
Inflicted – patinaed pink opal (my personal favorite!) 


Severed – bright crimson (creme)
Gryphon – cement grey (creme)

The collection is already on sale at Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics. Are you picking anything up?


  1. Joanna says

    The shades are so gorgeous. Can’t wait for swatches :)

  2. Robyn says

    I love the look of the grey polish and the LCCs. I don’t think you hear enough about the OCC pigments IMO and the ones I have are beautiful, it’s a shame. I hope these will be available in the UK!

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