Online Shopping Pet Peeve

Let me show you my biggest pet peeve about shopping for plus sized clothes online:

If you’re confused because this can’t possibly be a plus sized model, then you understand my frustration. She’s not. This website uses the pictures from their non-plus sized catalog and does not show the clothes on a plus sized woman. Don’t get me wrong, it is fantastic that they offer their clothing in size 14+. The top is beautiful. I just have no clue what it’s going to look like on someone with my body type, so ordering it is a crap shoot. It makes me less likely to buy from that site, because I don’t know what’s going to happen.
And uh, I’m not a photoshop genius, but is there something up with the right side of the photo to you? I think they tucked in her torso and her arm at the same time, and the result looks kind of unnatural and uncomfortable.
Here’s an example of a true plus size model who looks really flipping gorgeous.
This model and photo gives me a much better idea of how this top would fit on someone with a body type like mine– wide curvy hips, a sizable chest, tummy, etc. Lovely! I would be more likely to buy from a site that helps me out like this.
/end gripe


  1. Catherine says
  2. Tanya @ The Pink Train Case says
  3. Lisamarie and Christelle says
  4. GlossMenagerieDotCom says
  5. Erin says

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