Pictures of Pretty Things

Here’s my lovely vanity. I got the vanity itself off Craigslist for $80! It’s a hand-made custom piece. I don’t think you can see it in the photo but my vanity stool is a black leather ottoman. I am not sure where the ottoman came from because it was a housewarming present from my parents when I first moved out a few years ago. My lighted mirror came from Bed Bath & Beyond. The thing to the right of my mirror is a really spiffy rotating organizer (more pics below). Then of course on the left are some trusty sterilite drawers, and a little plastic bin from the container store. Wave hi to my bottle of Fix+!

Here is a closer view of the rotating organizer. It came from Target for approximately $20. It is with all the scrapbooking supplies. This thing really is the coolest organizer tool I’ve ever had. The mascaras are held onto the side with elastic straps! There is a drawer on each side, photo frames, and the side you can’t see is magnetic and has 4 magnets. I currently have a couple of receipts stuck to it in case I need to take a recent purchase back.

Here’s a top view of my rotating organizer (you can see the magnetized side with magnets!). The brush holder is filled with uncooked rice to hold my brushes and pencils upright. I need a little more rice in the pencil eyeliner section; my pencils are falling over. :P

Meet my blush drawer! Low-end in the pink basket, and high-end in the blue basket. Highlighters around the edges, including my new MAC Petticoat MSF.

Face stuff! Admittedly I do not use everything in this drawer. My usual routine is some mineral makeup (the cute jar with the cat’s eyes). I always use that urban decay primer potion though. I can’t live without it!

Eyeshadows & Lipstuff! The bottom drawer in the pink sterilite is empty.
I love the way my lipgloss drawer smells– minty, vanilla, and sugary! It’s not normally this messy though.


  1. Elvira says
  2. Rae says
  3. Alyson says
  4. xfoxglove says
  5. Anne Viscardi says

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