
Brand & PR Reps…

If you are interested in your product or service being featured on The Gloss Menagerie, I would be delighted to hear from you.

Product Reviews

Products submitted are usually for consideration only. There is no guaranty a review will be posted. If a review is posted, The Gloss Menagerie retains full rights as to its sentiment and content. Opinions posted will be truthful and honest. If you have specific requirements of a product review for optimization or legal purposes (such as the inclusion of a specified link, product warning, etc.) that is certainly possible, please bring it up during initial contact.

If you have a specific timeline you’d like to adhere to for the potential posting of a review, please make that known. Otherwise it will be assumed that there is no specific timeline in mind. Products submitted for review consideration must be full size, and become property of The Gloss Menagerie once they are submitted.

Types of Reviews

The Gloss Menagerie is able to review products and services from the following categories:
Color Cosmetics, Bath/Spa, Skin Care, Hair Care, Salon & Nail Products, Fragrance, Personal Care & Grooming, Cannabis and CBD products, Women’s Plus Size Fashion, and Women’s Shoes & Accessories.

If your product or service does not fall under any of those categories and you still think it would be relevant to The Gloss Menagerie’s readers, feel free to send a pitch, but keep in mind that it may not be accepted.

Sponsored Posts

I do not currently accept sponsorships or other forms of paid advertising on The Gloss Menagerie.

Guest Posts

I am not currently accepting guest post submissions. 


Organizing an event you think I might like to cover for my blog? Tell me more! I do not like to send contributors to events; I only like to cover events I can personally attend myself. With that said, please keep in mind that I am located in Orange County, CA. Also, I work a regular full time job so daytime weekday events are unfortunately usually not something I can swing. :)