Random Hair Talk

I had been going with an a-line style haircut for a very long time up until last fall. For those not familiar with the term, an a-line haircut is shorter in the back than it is in the front. Like Posh’s bob, except mine wasn’t as pronounced.

Anyway, I got it cut into this glorious shag cut last fall and I freaking love it. My hair was still pretty short, but it grows fast and is now in definite ‘shoulder length’ territory.

This is new to me. Well, not new, but it’s been a long time since my back has felt my hair tickle it, and I’m sorta freaking out a bit haha. I haven’t had shoulder length hair in…probably a couple of years at least. I’m enjoying my mane for now, but I haven’t decided if it’s here to stay. I am also really really tempted to do something like this:

soon and suddenly to get my hair OFF my back/neck, lol. I have a fantabulous hair stylist here in Orange County who I go to. She happens to be my best friend of many many years, too. :) I’m not sure she’d be okay with me publishing all her info here, but if you are in the OC area and looking for a WONDERFUL hair cut/color, shoot me an email.

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