I’ve been getting heaps of comments and questions about my skin lately. I hesitate to tell you all my routine because it’s NOT a routine really. I’ve read tons of these and watched tons of skin care routines. They usually have so many steps and so many products. Am I the only one who thinks “I ain’t got time for that!” ?? So lets talk about my skin care routine. The products I use, exactly how I actually use them.
my bare skin! eep!
Telling you the products I use is useless without first telling you about my skin. After all, skin care is so personal. What works great for me might make you feel like you’re rubbing acid onto your face or something, I don’t know! (spoiler alert: acid is great for your skin it just depends which one lol…)
– I’m 26 years old.
– My skin is dry.
– My skin is also somewhat sensitive.
– I get the occasional odd spot, but it’s usually just a red spot that appears and then goes away.
– My main concerns with my skin are clogged pores on my chin and some redness on my cheeks and nose.
lookit how pink :P
Makeup Removal
My favorite makeup removers are Bioderma Créaline H20, Model in a Bottle Super Gentle Eye Makeup Remover, and Neutrogena Oil-Free. I like all of them because why? They don’t require rinsing. If I’m wearing some serious crapton of heavy makeup (rare), MAC Cleanse-Off Oil is my go-to.
I make frequent use of cleansing wipes. My hands-down favorite are Epielle Facial Cleansing Wipes. The place I get them the most often is Big Lots, but I’ve also gotten some from the 99 Cent Only store. They stay moist a while which is good because since they’re only $1 I like to buy a few packs at a time.
If I do use an actual cleanser, I’m using the EmerginC Multi-Fruit Cleanser. I’m just trying to use this one up because I don’t particularly like it. It smells funny and is an ugly product (it looks like liquefied bananas). It also makes my lips tingle if it touches them! But it does alright by my skin so it gets to stay for now.
About once or twice a week I use my Clarisonic with the sensitive brush head and the same EmerginC cleanser. It’s a damn miracle for clogged pores and my poor dry nose.
At night before bed I will use either Alpha Hydrox Enhanced Cream (10% AHA) or Lancome Tonique Radiance. I just started using the AHA so I only use it every other night. On the nights I skip it, I use the Lancome toner instead.
I only have one moisturizer in my life – Embryolisse Lait Creme. I have forsaken all other moisturizers, this one is that good. I have a mini tube in my purse, a large size on my vanity, and a large size by my bathroom sink. It moisturizes but never leaves me feeling greasy, and it plays so well with makeup on top. Love love love LOVE. Did I mention I love it?
I do sometimes still get a spot or two, especially during That Time. RAARR! My weapon of choice is Murad Acne Spot Treatment. The active ingredients are salicylic acid and sulphur. It’s just $18 which is nothing when you realize that a little goes such a very long way. I’ve been using a deluxe sample size for AGES and it still looks mostly full.
Now that I’m officially in my mid 20s I feel like I should be using some sort of preventative … stuff… for my eye area. I have been using Vasanti Eye Wonder eye cream because it’s very moisturizing without being greasy or giving me milia. Because milia suck. I really liked Clinique All About Eyes but I had to stop using it because it caused milia. :( Poo.
Random Stuff
In the morning if my skin is looking bleh, or if I’m just feeling like I need a refresher, I am obsessed with neroli water. It’s a great natural toner and it smells divine.
So that’s what I do. It might sound kinda wishy washy but I like to think of it more as adaptable. Whatever I’m up to or feel the need for, I can do. I use products that I know work. I don’t introduce new products often. I’ve been using the Embryolisse moisturizer, Clarisonic, Murad spot treatment, Epielle wipes, and Vasanti eye cream for well over a year. Some of you might be horrified to learn that I use cleansing wipes more often than I use an actual cleanser. But it works for me. :) I’m pretty happy with my skin overall, and even though it’s not “perfect” I go out without any foundation or concealer quite frequently!
Because I’m super nosy, I’d love to know what you guys use for skin care, or if you have tried any of the products I use! Also, you may have noticed a lack of SUN SCREEN in my routine. I’m currently trying random samples I have and I’m just not in love with any of them. So if any of you have a recommendation for a sun screen for dry skin, let me know! I’m looking for one without avobenzene as I’m allergic.
someone tried to photo bomb my pictures :) say hi to Sebastien!
Hi there!
I’m not sure how I came across your site but your obviously a huge fan of beauty and I saw your skin care routine. Your skin is extremely sensitive and the fact that you are using products with fragrance and sodium lauryl sulfate is not helping. I am the owner of Good For You Girls the US leader in natural skin care for girls. While my products are meant for the beauty beginner they are also wonderful for sensitive skin like yours. Products are filled with beautiful skin calming ingredients like chamomile and calendula. I would love you to try them. Please send me an e-mail and I will send you some to try. I’m not a huge fan of wipes because they leave a residue on the skin and usually have a ton of fragrance.
P.S. my website is currently being redone so it is just a splash page.
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