You know that Elvis song “Return To Sender”? My childhood best friend and I always thought it said “Return December” when we were little wee ones (cmon, we’re talking about 4 years old here…cut us some slack, Jack).
Anywho, that’s my clever way of making this post tie in to the fact that it’s December now. This year really did go by rather quickly.
So, it being December, that means it’s time for FTC disclosures and whatnot. I added a link to my official disclosure & terms of use policies up in the top link bar, and I’ll also have that in the footer of each post. I will also continue to openly mention where certain products came from when it applies. Should be a piece of cake but if anything is confusing to you, let me know and I’d be glad to clarify.
I didn’t do a big huge gaggle of Thanksgiving What I’m Thankful For and whatnot posting because I kinda feel like that’s a personal thing, BUT I did have a lovely T-Day and I hope the rest of my American readers did too last week. I am definitely thankful for all of you readers. :)
And then there was Black Friday. And Cyber Monday. I didn’t haul any makeup/beauty items. I was all super responsible and stuff and bought xmas presents for my boyfriend and mom. Go me. How about you? Did you haul like crazy? Comment here and don’t forget to answer the poll on the right sidebar. Because audience participation is awesome.
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