Okay first let me get this rant out of my system…
100% Pure’s website is SO annoying. It resizes my browser. RUDE. :| UGH. I hate when sites do that. There is no good reason for it.
But, luckily for them (heehee) I let it slide because their Organic Honey Almond Body Scrub is super awesome. It better be, because it costs $22! That’s definitely the most I’ve ever spent on a body product. Although I did get it on sale, so I didn’t pay $22…I still paid what in my mind is too much for a body product. Whatever, if anyone asks I claim temporary insanity. :) Granted, you do get a lot of product for your money. The jar is 13 oz. That’s a lot of scrub. I have made a good dent in it, but I use it liberally and often.
This scrub’s first ingredient is apricot oil, and boy is this stuff oily. It’s very. very. oily. It will make a mess in your tub, so be careful to rinse your tub well after using to avoid slip and fall accidents!! When you open up the jar, you will probably see that the oil and sugar has seperated. It will do that just if you let it sit long enough. ‘Tis the nature of oily things. Just stir it up (I use the handle of my razor, ha) and it will be kind of a gloppy grainy paste. Sounds appetizing eh? Well shoot people pay a lot of money to put mud on their faces, so bare with me.
Massage aforementioned glop onto wet skin. You will feel the sugar start to dissolve, and as you work the mixture on your skin you’ll start to feel like you’re massaging in very moisturizing lotion! Lotion that smells heavenly. I love honey almond anything. In fact, I think I even love almond anything. It’s delicious in the hot shower. After massaging the scrub for a while I rinse. Because of the oils, you may not feel like all of it is rinsing away. Just rinse pretty well, you’re fine.
Now after the shower once you have dried off, your skin should be feeling super soft and smooth. The scent will still be apparent on the skin if you hover your nose over your arm or something, but doesn’t linger enough to interfere with any other scented products you may use like deodorant or perfume.
I love this scrub for a luxurious scrubby experience. I have some sun damage on my shoulders resulting from a serious sunburn years ago, and the skin on my shoulders tends to be very dry because of it. This scrub really softens the skin and makes it feel great. It’s also wonderful for the legs! I must exfoliate my legs regularly to prevent ingrown hairs after shaving, and this scrub feels so nice on my sensitive skin!
So while I do think I was crazy for buying an expensive froofroo body scrub, I do love it, and I am trying not to be so hard on myself for being silly and impulsive. :)
Ingredients: Organic Apricot Oil1 , Organic Rosehip Oil2, Organic Evaporated Cane Juice3, Organic Almond Aroma4, Organic Lavender Honey3, Extracts of Organic Grapefruit Seed 1, Organic Almond4, Organic Cranberry4, Organic Pomegranate4, Organic Blueberry4, Organic Raspberry4 , Organic Cherry4, Organic Blackberry 4, Organic Rosemary3, Organic Goldenseal 5, Organic Oregano3, Organic Thyme3 and Organic Cinnamon3, Vitamin C (ascorbyl palmitate), Vitamin E (a-tocopherol)
1 certified organic by Soil Association Certification Limited
2 certified organic by Baystate Organic Certifiers
3 certified organic by QAI
4 certified organic by Organic Certifiers
5 certified organic by Maryland Department of Agriculture
100% Pure products are always cruelty free! The scrub is free from chemicals, artificial fragrances, alcohol, glutens, or toxins. There are also no preservatives in the scrub. I’ve had mine for a few months and it hasn’t gone off, but this isn’t the kind of bath & body product you can let sit around for years because of the lack of preservatives. But, for you paraben-free crowd, that will be a big plus for you.
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