Review: Coppertone Kids Continuous Sunblock Spray SPF 50

The boyfriend and I picked up this sunblock in Walmart not too long ago because I wanted a spray sunscreen. It’s quick and easy, and because of that there are no excuses not to wear sunblock!

It’s not the nicest feeling thing in the world though. :\ I will probably keep using it just because I paid for it and sun protection is important, but it’s not that nice!

First of all, if you use this…do not get it in your hair. Just. Don’t. It makes your hair look like a greasy over-hairsprayed mess.

If you spray more than a light mist on any one part of your body, it will stay pretty greasy for a while. And then after it dries, it can slough off like when you have a bad moisturizer that balls up on the skin. Cute!

But, on the plus side…I didn’t get sunburned, and the packaging is cool. There’s no cap, it justs twists open and closed. Soo, there’s plusses and minuses. Even being kinda greasy I guess it’s not so bad– most sunscreens for the body are pretty greasy afterall. This one is waterproof and provides UVA and UVB protection.

Active ingredients:

Avobenzone (3%) (sunscreen), Homosalate (15%) (sunscreen), Octisalate (5%) (sunscreen), Oxybenzone (6%) (sunscreen)

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