Review – Pop Beauty Lid Gold Palette

I got this palette on a whim from beautycrunch because it was massively discounted and the colors looked pretty. I’m not disappointed! I’m kind of surprised to be happy with it, because products from Pop Beauty that I have tried in the past have actually sorta sucked. But this is nice! :)

The palette consists of 6 shades that Pop describes as “super silky with high shimmer”. I wouldn’t say these are high shimmer, but they are definitely not matte. They are glowy and I would call the finish more of a satin for most of them. Here’s a breakdown of the shades:

Golden Black – dark sooty brownish black w/ gold glitter (not an excessive amount).
Golden Olive – your standard dark olivey khaki
a beigey champagne color that doesn’t seem to have a name ???
True Gold – which is in fact soft yellow gold
Golden Mint – pale green with golden shimmer
White Gold – highlighty shade

As with Pop Beauty’s Lid Silver and Lid Neon palettes, Lid Gold has instructions for their “golden lid” look on the inside. I didn’t follow the instructions but I did read them and they are clear and helpful if you aren’t sure where to start. The palette itself is good size. It’s small, but not so small you feel jipped. It’s about the same size as a MAC holiday palette or so. The packaging is laminated cardboard like a Stila palette, with a magnetic closure. I discarded the cheapo duo sponge applicator that comes with the palette, but it’s a nice gesture I guess.

All six shades are soft and blendable. I am pleasantly surprised at the quality of this palette, actually. I would compare the shadows to NYX or MAC. My only qualm with it is that the shadows have a perfume. Who the hell needs perfumed eyeshadows? It doesn’t really bother me that much except on principle though. I wore the shadows over UDPP and they lasted a very long time, even through a nap without any fading.

This palette’s retail value is $22 and I would not pay full price but for the $8 or so I paid, it’s a fantastic deal.


  1. jojoba says

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