Review – Wet ‘n Wild MegaChrome Eyeliners

Wet ‘n Wild has been releasing a lot of new stuff lately. The MegaChrome liners are apparently their answer to liners like Urban Decay’s 24/7 liners. I don’t know much about what WnW “claims” these to be because they aren’t up on WnW’s site yet…they just appeared in Walgreens one day and said “I’m shiny! Buy me!”

Each of these is $2.99. I am not certain if these are all the colors, but they are all the colors that were in the display at my Walgreens. The colors are:

Gold-Pewter (which is straight-up gold, no pewter in it at all…)
Gunmetal Green (which has no hint of gunmetal in it…it’s…green…)
Cobalt Blue (accurate)
Amethyst (accurate)

Amethyst did not photograph very well in my swatches. It looks kinda murky/brownish because of how horrifyingly yellow the light is in my apartment. I apologize. It’s a dark smokey purple, similar to UD’s Rockstar.

The pictures..!

They each have a little jewel at the end…like a troll doll!

As far as colors go, they aren’t really that special. They aren’t ugly, but these aren’t innovative shades. Most makeup junkies like myself probably have these exact colors in their stash already. But if you don’t, and you’re looking for a decent pencil liner, they’re worth the price. They are soft without being too soft. I can’t comment on the wear just yet, but it did take quite a bit of scrubbing to remove those swatches from the back of my hand. If that’s any indicator of how these wear, I’m looking forward to wearing them out. :)

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