Reviews – Mario Badescu

I recently went to and filled out their skincare survey. When you do this, they recommend products for you and then send you samples. Pretty nifty. I wanted to share with you my thoughts on the ones I’ve used so far.

Drying Mask
The drying mask employs sulphur to dry out blemishes and oily skin. They recommend using it once or twice a week. Upon opening my sample pot I am immediately accosted by the horrific smell. I describe the smell of the drying mask as a dirty wet dog holding an old shoe in its mouth. It’s not cute. But, I decided to give it a shot anyway because it’s a highly praised product. It’s more liquidy than any mask I’ve used before. I dab a bit onto my skin. Hmm. It feels nice! Kaolin clay and calamine feel nice on the skin. I smeared some more on, and let it dry. I left the mask on for a total of about 20 minutes, then washed it off with warm water. The result was tighter looking pores, and no more shiney oily face. However, it left a greasy filmy feeling on my skin which didn’t go away until the next time I washed it. I am going to give it another shot before officially declaring that I don’t like it, but so far I’m not loving it. I have other oil-absorbing masks that work just as good or better and don’t smell so bad.

Oil Free Moisturizer with SPF 17
SPF 17? What an odd number. The sunscreen in this is mineral, so I thought I’d give it a shot. It feels very heavy on my skin. It absorbs lightning fast so I think it would be good under makeup for dry skin, but it was too heavy and greasy on my oily skin. Did not like at all. But if you have drier skin and want a moisturizer with SPF, go for it. :)

Drying Cream
While the drying mask is supposed to be an every few days thing, Mario Badescu recommends using their drying cream daily before applying makeup. If you are very dark skinned this may not be a good product for you. It goes on very thick and may leave a white cast. I’m pale as heck and I have to rub it in pretty well to get the white cast to go away or at least not be noticeable. Some of it balled up a little, too. Disappointing. However, it does seem to reduce inflammation of blemishes, which is good. Did you know inflammation is what causes most of the scarring on your face from blemishes? It’s the prolonged inflammation that leads to scars and hyperpigmentation. Anything you can do to reduce inflammation will be better for your skin in the long run. I will use up this sample pot but I don’t think I will purchase. It doesn’t smell great either but it smells a heck of a lot better than the drying mask.

Ceramide Herbal Eye Cream
This is the one MB product I have tried so far that I really like. It’s a lot heavier than my other eye creams so I would not use it on a regular basis, but if your eye area needs a lot of extra TLC, this feels so nice. I bet it would be great after being refrigerated, too. It’d be like a little mini spa treatment for your delicate eye area. I have not seen any milia from using this, either.

I have yet to try the cleanser or toner samples MB sent me, and soon I will try the buffering lotion, which claims to treat/prevent cystic breakouts. Keep an eye out for those reviews. :)

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