Rihanna. I mention on Twitter all the time– can’t stand her. Well, her voice. Which is kind of, the point. Okay, she’s interesting looking. She wears weird things. She’s quirky – I get it. Questionable taste in men. But always true to herself– it’s clear this girl doesn’t give a you-know-what about what anyone thinks of her. Maybe I like her as a person, but that doesn’t change the fact that I think she can’t sing a lick.
However, unless a perfume sings every time you open it, like one of those annoying greeting cards (oh god, did I just give someone a really bad idea for the next wave in perfume bottles? no. no. NO!) a celeb perfume can be enjoyed even if you don’t like that particular celeb’s work. Rihanna collaborated with Parlux to create Reb’l Fleur, her first fragrance.
The name Reb’l Fleur comes from a nickname Rihanna’s grandmother gave her: “rebelle fleur” or rebel flower (ok, grammar police here, in French it would be “fleur rebelle”…-ahem- ok). She has the phrase tattooed on her neck.
I don’t know what made her decide to spell it like this and add an apostrophe. Whatever girl, do your thing. I kind of expected the perfume bottle itself to look more uh, flowery. But Refinery29 nailed it when they said it looks like an 80s liquor bottle. An 80s liquor bottle. Fashion and design were weird in the 80s y’all. I’m not a fan. The first thing I said to my boyfriend when this came out of the box was “this is the tackiest perfume bottle I’ve ever seen in my life”. HOWEVER. That being said, it certainly keeps in tune with Rihanna’s overall aesthetic, so in that way it is effective.