Saturday Sephora Selections

Every once and a while I’m sure all of my fellow makeup addicts like to cruise the Sephora page, and just like you I was doing just that. These are the things that caught my eye the most, and if I had piles of money would snatch up. ;)

10 eyeshadows, a double-ended eyeliner (brown & green), a double-ended brush, and an eye primer. Nice! These shadows are generously sized, too. I believe they’re 1″ squares.
I am really wanting to try it as the reviews are great and it is cheaper than Clinique Take The Day Off balm! Since you just remove it with a tissue it’s perfect for those lazy nights. ;)
I’ve been on a cream/gel blush kick lately, probably because they’re so dang easy to use and they look so dewy and fresh on the skin, even under fluorescent lights at the office (aren’t those the worst lights EVER?).
This is a new addition to the Josie Maran line that sounds so cool. A lot of lines are coming out with stains for spring/summer, but what caught my eye about this besides the natural ingredients is that it contains hyaluronic acid, a substance that helps lock in moisture. Since so many lip stains are very drying, I’m interested to see how these work out w/ the HA added.
I haven’t ever owned one of these True Romance palettes, but I have seen some gorgeous looks on various Youtube gurus with this palette, and regardless of how you feel about Youtube gurus, the makeup looked really pretty and I want this palette! :)


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