Save The Date: PHAMExpo Coming This June!


The beginning of 2013 has been quite a strenuous schedule of major beauty trade events. It kicked off with ISSE Long Beach and IMATS LA in January, then The Makeup Show LA this month, and for us bloggers there’s Lucky FABB in April! While I totally get why IMATS changed their LA date from June to January, it makes my January pretty nuts and I was a little sad there wouldn’t be an annual trip up to Pasadena this coming June. And then…

When I heard about the trade show new kid on the block PHAMExpo, I was very excited! PHAMExpo is the Professional Hair And Makeup Exposition. It is being held at Pasadena Convention Center on the 29th & 30th of June. Sound familiar? The director of IMATS put the PHAMExpo together to fill the gap. So those of you who were looking forward to another reason to vacation in SoCal this summer will get your wish!

Since PHAMExpo is still a few months away, the schedule isn’t completely firmed up yet. But some of the biggest names in the beauty business have already signed on, and there are some incredible sponsors including Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics, Royal & Langnickel, and Naimies! Like other events, this one is definitely not all about the shopping. Talented beauty educators will be sharing their knowledge all weekend, including two of my faves – Kevin James Bennett and Donna Mee! They’re truly not to be missed.

PHAMExpo is open to the public, but also has PRO ONLY hours. The show will be open to pros only from 8:30 to 10:30 on Saturday and from 9:30 to 10 on Sunday, so if you’re a pro and you want to avoid crazy lines for stocking up on goodies, get there early. There is also a pro lounge available all weekend! Sa-weet! How can you prove your pro prowess (how’s that alliteration, lit nerds?)? Bring your photo ID and your union card, license, or a brand-specific pro membership card like a MAC Pro card or MUFE Backstage etc.

Discounts are available on tickets for students and for professionals, and the price is lower in general if you buy them early! For a full price list and answers to a bunch of FAQs, click here.

So I’ll be packing on the powders and heading on up to Pasadena this summer after all! If you’ve ever been to IMATS, many of the faces will be familiar. However, I am super excited to tell you that one of my favorite brands I was introduced to at ISSE, Bon Bliss, will be at PHAMExpo too!

If you want to see more about the PHAMExpo, including the exhibitors that have already signed on, check out their website –

Hope to see you there!

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