Self Tanner, Coffee Beans

Okay all…sorry for the lack of really interesting entries. And it’s like 1 in the morning, so bare with me. I took tonight to have a little “me time” since I had the house to myself. So now I have self-tanner, a new mani, and a new pedi. And my fill of TiVo to last me quite a while. Hooray.
The self-tanner I’m trying…eh, honestly..? I’m kinda annoyed with it, to the point I want to return it, except I’m pretty sure the receipt is long gone. It’s L’Oreal Sunless Sublime Glow Daily Moisturizer. The reviews I read of it are mostly positive so I’m feeling kind of torn. I try not to judge a product after using it only once unless something really terrible happens, but I am really not feeling motivated to give this a second shot. The smell is…well, meh. I wasn’t really expecting a self tanning lotion to smell good, so I’m not that concerned. It absorbed very quickly with minimal stickiness, too. That’s where the positives end. And now, huge minus: the nasty consistency. It’s basically liquid. So since the opening is at the bottom of the tube (it’s a stand up “malibu tube”), the minute you open it, the product comes gushing out. And it’s very messy to use. Ew. I hate mess. I hate having gross slime all over my hands…just. GROSS. Sigh. For future applications I think I will squirt a little into a bowl, which will be easier to dish out more without getting my slimy hands all over the tube and making a mess. I will try and stick with it because it’s supposedly great for fair skinned people. asks like $11 for it…I paid slightly less.

But hey, it made me sparkly. No, I’m not joking…I literally sparkle. There’s shimmer in this lotion. It’s sorta subtle but cool. I never mind being sparkly. ;) I wonder if I have immortal glow…see what I did there? That was a Twilight reference! I am so hip and relevant.
And now on a positive note I am delighted to share with you that I love this eye cream. It’s Organic Coffee Bean Caffeine Eye Cream by 100% Pure. I’d link to their website but it’s really really annoying in that when you click a link it re-sizes your browser. Stuff like that really irritates the hell out of me. Anyway, this eye cream is not only very hydrating, but my eyes are less puffy and overall just look brighter after I use this. And uh, it smells heavenly. Well, if you like the smell of delicious coffee beans. This little gem is available at Bath & Body Works flagship stores, 100% Pure’s annoying website, and QVC. I don’t know where else it might be available, but if you do, let me know. It retails for $19. The bottle is 1 oz, and that will last a lonnng time. But keep in mind that these products have no preservatives, so you need to use it up and not just let it sit around. That’s the only downside to this tasty-smelling, 100% natural product. Oh and a bonus– 100% Pure is a California company. Cali love! :)


  1. Catherine says
  2. Sinead says
  3. Tanning Lotions says
  4. This product is really amazing and the reviews are also very helpful and I also wants this type of lotion for my skin and I try this its really amazing

  5. This is such an amazing post and I think that really helpful to me
    Thankyou, keep it up

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