Senna Cosmetics Lipstick Swatches

I’m such a Senna freak these days. But it’s no wonder, because the products are awesome, and the founder is a really nice lady. I only recently introduced myself to Senna lipsticks after falling in love with (and purchasing) one at IMATS this year.

The love affair has since become a polyamorous one, as  I have since purchased 2 more Senna lipsticks. Here are some swatches!

Top to Bottom: Last Tango, Tiffany, Plush

I know Tiffany and Plush look really similar, and they are, but there’s a difference in tone. Plush is warmer than Tiffany.

Senna Last Tango – This is the one I fell in love with at IMATS. My lips are looking a little dry just because doing lip swatches are tough, but the formula of this lipstick itself is very creamy, moisturizing, and comfortable. Gorgeous coral, just my favorite kind of color and formula to wear.

Senna Tiffany – a great my lips but better pink nude. Again the formula here is creamy and easy to wear. This is a shade you can wear with anything for any occasion. Superb neutral.

Senna Plush – another really nice my lips but better nude, but warmer than Tiffany. I wish I had a better camera that could really show you guys the nuances between the two. In shade they are very similar, but there is a definite marked difference in tone. The “average” gal probably doesn’t need both, but I’m a nude lips junkie.

Senna Cosmetics lipsticks are $18 each and available at Senna Cosmetics or at their studio locations (see webpage for details).


  1. I like the shade of Tiffany and Plush. They look really natural. And that’s what I want with my lipsticks. Of course, sometimes we have to wear the darker and striking ones if the occasion calls for it but in general, the lighter ones are better for me. Anyway, don’t you think that these shades also choose skin tones? I mean, it will not fit everybody.

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