Senna Cosmetics Summer 2013 Collection Pictures & Swatches Part 2


It’s time to check out the eye products from Senna’s Summer 2013 Sunglow collection!! And what a treat…

There are 2 new eye shadows released with Sunglow, both in the glow formula. Glow shadows are meant to be luminous and very light-reflective, offering buildable color payoff. They’re not the kind of shadows where you just barely touch them and they have ridiculous payoff right away. I think this makes them actually a lot easier to work with, because not all of us want super bright colors even when we’re using non-neutrals.


Senna Glow Eye Shadows in Emerald & Rose Gold

The shadows retail for $18 and are truly stunning! I love both colors. The Emerald color is a true green without too much yellow in it, and Rose Gold is exactly what you’d expect in a shadow with the name. Here are swatches on my arm in blaring direct sunlight:


No primer was used in my swatch pics, however Senna has their own eye primer which is pretty nice and contains anti-aging ingredients! Also swatched here are the 2 new eyeliners, the Ultra Last long-wearing eyeliners in Ultra Brown and Ultra Black. These are retractable pencil eyeliners that feature a really nice cushy grip seen here:

sennaultralastMy [chipped] manicure is Essie Forever Young topped with Sally Hansen Hidden Treasure, fyi.

I really like that Ultra Brown is very true brown and not reddish. It doesn’t even pull reddish on my pinky skin! It’s hard for me to wear brown eyeliner sometimes because when they pull red they make any redness in my eyes and skin really obvious, which is not an attractive look! Ultra Black  is also a very true black and doesn’t pull bluish or greyish.

Both shades are extremely soft and go on soooo smoothly. No tugging whatsoever. They really do set, too. When I wiped those swatches off I used a face wipe by Epielle, which I normally use to remove makeup. Even with the Epielle wipe there was marked resistance removing the eyeliners just moments after I’d applied them. I was surprised because since they go on so creamy you’d think they’d just wipe away. Not so much! This is truly a long lasting eyeliner! Senna says they are waterproof and smudgeproof for up to 14 hours. I haven’t had a chance to test that, but so far they’re off to a great start. The Ultra Last liners retail for $20 each.

Stay tuned for part 3 – the face products! ;)

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    Senna Cosmetics Summer 2013 Collection Pictures

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