Sephora-Exclusive NARS Cheek Palettes

narssoulshineNARS Soulshine Cheek Palette
Do yourself a favor and click this to enlarge…

narsrealmofthesensesNARS Realm of the Senses Cheek Palette
(this one can be clicked to enlarge too)

I don’t really have anything to say about these other than HOLY CRAP LOOK AT HOW PRETTY THEY ARE. I can’t bring myself to touch them yet. I just like looking at them and staring in awe. BEAUTIFUL. I will post again once I can bring myself to mar the surface of these beauties…I have heard though that the shimmer logos are overspray, though, for those who are wondering.

If you want pretties of your own, they’re available on Sephora and retail for $41.00 each. If you’re going to purchase, don’t forget to use Ebates for 8% cash back!


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