Smoky Eye with Urban Decay Naked Palette

I went and saw Rush tonight (and yes they were freaking AWESOME), and this is what I wore. I apologize for the hair in my face casting awkward shadows– makes one eye look like the color is way darker than on the other. I promise they were even in real life.

Picture is clickable to see full size.

(All shadows from the Urban Decay Naked Palette) Virgin on the inner eye/tear duct, Sidecar on the lid (patted on), Hustle lightly in the crease/outer V, and Creep in the outer V. Hustle was also used as a liner on the upper and lower lash line. To finish off the eyes I used Urban Decay 24/7 eyeliner in Zero on my waterline and Revlon Grow Luscious mascara on my upper and lower lashes.
I’m kind of frustrated with how this picture turned out for one reason. My cheeks look…bumpy? It didn’t look that way in real life. I’m not even breaking out there. That’s annoying, isn’t it? Anyway! I was in a huge hurry so I just buffed on some MAC Mineralize Skin Finish Natural and swiped a very light application of Rock & Republic blush Kinky on my cheeks. 
I started off with Urban Decay lipstick in Rush (how appropriate, right?) but that wore off and I was a dingbat and forgot to put it in my purse. What I did have in my purse was MAC Cult Fave lipglass (which also happens to be one of my faves).
As always, please let me know if you want any more info, or a review of any of the products used. I am planning on doing an in-depth post about the UD Naked palette soon when I can get some good pics taken of it– the ones I took the other night didn’t come out very well and I want to re-do them.

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