Hi readers! :)
As many of you already know because I broke the news on Twitter and Facebook first, I lost my job yesterday. It’s really rough for me emotionally because I really did love my job working for a marketing agency, and because I’ve already had a pretty tough time of it lately for other reasons. But we parted on good terms and I’m trying to stay positive and keep my head in the game so I can move on to bigger and better things, *insert cliche phrase here*.
As a result of this job change I’ll also be moving next month! Not very far, still in Orange County. I’ve come to the tough realization that it’s time to suck it up and move back home until I get on my feet. I’m pounding the pavement, applying to new jobs already, and I even have a couple of interviews lined up. I’m going to be really busy preparing for the move and running around to job interviews, but I’m going to try and keep up with the blog as best I can! And of course there’s Twitter and Facebook if you want to stay in touch! If anyone wants to do a guest post let me know, too.
Those of you who’ve already expressed your support for me, offered to pass my resume around, and just sent some e-hugs, THANK YOU. I really appreciate it. You guys are the greatest readers and friends ever.
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