Some Pics of Manish Arora

I forgot to photograph the Pink Manish lipglass because it was in my purse. I wore it yesterday though and it’s really gorgeous. It’s like a cross between MAC Pink Poodle and Style Minx lipglasses, only with shimmer!

Here’s the other stuff I got…

Pink Swoon blush! It’s such a gorgeous sheer pink that gives just the healthiest flush. It’s really buildable, too. This is one of the few blushes I do not have to use a skunk brush with, too.
The always lovely Girl About Town lipstick…so excited to get my paws on this!

And of course the palette! I did decide to sell this baby. It’s up on ebay.


  1. Elvira says
  2. Alyson says
  3. Shayla says

    Hey i know this is an odd question, but would you ever consider selling the blush and lippie?

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