The internet has been aflurry with rumors about the situation with Stila Cosmetics, and I feel like I would be remiss in not at least mentioning it. Their website has been down for a while for “routine maintenance”, which in and of itself is not all that scary. Could just mean inventory issues. However, reportedly they have not been answering the phone, and I can personally attest to them not returning emails either. Curiouser and curiouser.
According to, Stila says they are “reassessing their funds” but have not filed for bankruptcy. There are stories going around about employees discovering the office locked, etc.
No one knows exactly what the situation is with Stila right now, as they are remaining pretty mum about the issue. I for one really, really hope they are not going to shut down or anything. I really hope they are just going to perhaps re-do their business model a bit and/or scale back if they are in financial trouble and stay in business. Call it wishful thinking or whatever you want, but I can’t help but think positive thoughts for one of my favorite brands.
If anyone from Stila reads my post, please return my emails or something, I’d love to know what’s going on and clear the air for myself and my readers.