Straight From Hell – Rohto Arctic Eye Drops

So Mr. Boyfriend made his product testing debut last week. He spends a lot of time on the computer, so I figured the Rohto Arctic eye drops that say they soothe eye strain (and specifically mention spending a lot of time at the computer) would be perfect for him. His eyes do have a tendency to get red and sore. Should be perfect, right?

Boyfriend, being very official about the whole thing, had me standing by as he tried the drops. He squirted a couple drops in each eye and waited.
He didn’t wait very long. In fact, almost immediately he started groaning and blinking quickly. “Ahhh! MY EYES!!” ….and ran to the bathroom to rinse.
“Err so how would you sum up this product?” I asked.
“Ouchy burny eyes.” He said solemnly.
“Anything else to add?”
“No, ouchy burny pretty much covers it.”
So we examined the packaging to see what could have caused such a reaction. These drops contain menthol. MENTHOL. In your eyes? Menthol stings my nostrils just smelling it! Eeek! So Mr. Boyfriend took one for the team. These drops are a no-go.
You’re probably thinking Mr. Boyfriend isn’t interested in reviewing products anymore. Well, actually he took the whole thing in stride…and even gave them a second shot the next day! He explained he wanted to make sure it wasn’t a fluke. Well, it’s not. He ran to the bathroom and rinsed, and this time tossed the bottle of eyedrops in the trash.


  1. Catherine says
  2. Anonymous says
  3. Anonymous says
  4. Sammi says
  5. MissTat says
  6. LovelyThoughts21 says
  7. Canti says

    Your bf is a pussy. These are the best drops on the market. Let them finish doing their job before passing judgement.

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