Sue Devitt News

There has been a lot of internet buzz about Sue Devitt pulling out of Sephora. It has been confirmed to me as of yesterday that Sue Devitt is no longer being sold at Sephora stores. That would explain all of the “temporarily out of stock” (yeah, right!) notices on Sephora’s website, and the lack of stocking the displays in stores. It is my speculation that rather than clearance the line off, Sephora will simply keep selling it at regular price up until a certain date (I don’t know) and then RTV (return to vendor) everything.

So where can you still buy Sue Devitt?
Stores: Select Ultas, Barneys, Facelogic Spas, Space NK in Short Hills, and various boutiques in the US.
Tip: You can also find a lot of Sue Devitt makeup on ebay for very low prices.

If you’ve never tried Sue Devitt makeup before, it’s really really nice. It’s a very sophisticated line, in my opinion. If you like sheer lipsticks or may be a bit “lipstick timid”, check out her sheer lipstick line. The Balanced Matte lipstick is also nice. They’re not 100% matte, and feel very light and silky on the lips. Blush fans ought to try out Belize and Koh Samui. North Pole eyeshadow was one of my very first high-end products. It’s really lovely– a soft, no-frills silver.

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