Your Shampoo Makes A Difference

Hey all you fellow product junkies. I have been cleaning out my apartment and coming across a lot of half-finished (or not even…sigh…) bottles of shampoo, lotion, body wash, facial cleanser, etc. I posted to my local chapter of Freecycle asking if anyone wanted the items and I heard from a woman who told me about this awesome cause she is collecting for.

The website is connecting soldiers to us over here in the states who want to help them out, even in a small way. Soldiers write in with what their units need or want, and you can request their address to send a care package. A lot of the female soldiers have no access or very limited access to things like good shampoo, conditioner, and lotion. Even simple necessities such as toothpaste, deodorant, and tampons are in high demand as well. And during down time there isn’t a whole lot to do, so books, magazines, and other fun girly items are much appreciated. Used items are acceptible to send as well.

I just crammed a bunch of stuff into a gift baggie to give to the sweetheart in my area who is collecting. I gathered up all my sample size lotions, toothpastes, and shampoos etc. I was surprised at all of the stuff I had lying around that these women could really use!

So, all of those lotions you have sitting around with a couple squirts missing? Send ’em on over– those gals deserve our support and they appreciate it so much. Even the act of sending mail reminds them that we’re back home thinking of them and appreciating all they do for our country.