Bubbleshield Reusable Waterproof iPhone Sleeve


I’m sure most of you are like me – your smartphone is pretty much an appendage. My phone never leaves my side. But that can be problematic when any sort of moisture is involved. Phone + water = no bueno. Show of hands if you’ve ever spilled something on your phone or dropped it into water…

Enter, BubbleShield! The BubbleShield is a genius little device brought to you by The Joy Factory. It’s a reusable, yet also disposable little sleeve that completely protects your smartphone (or tablet – there are many sizes) from water, dirt, and other hazards. While it looks like essentially a plastic ziplock baggie, it’s completely touch sensitive (meaning you can still text your friends, take instagram pictures, etc.) all while protecting your phone!

I put my BubbleShield to the ultimate test – I took it out to Knott’s Soak City! My phone was safe and sound, and I was able to take great pictures. I’ve also taken my phone into the bathtub– get your mind outta the gutter, I was using Pandora to listen to music while I soaked!

I know this isn’t beauty-related, but I am so enamored with my little BubbleShield I just had to tell you about it. It’s perfect for event coverage, because you never know what can happen when you’re on a crowded show floor. With PHAMExpo and CosmoProf coming up, I know my BubbleShield will come in handy! It even has a hook on one corner that you can attach a lanyard to if you like. I may do that when I’m at trade shows so I can have a hands free (read: swatcheriffic!) experience.


The BubbleShield I have is the “XL Smartphone” size and fits my iPhone 4s even with a case on just fine. The Joy Factory’s website has size charts to help you figure out what size you need based on what device you have. For the XL Smartphone size, it comes with 5 sleeves in a pack for $19.95. The packaging pictured above was just for a single sleeve so yours might look different if you order. As of right now, you can also use the code gigasavvy for 20% off your order. I do not know the end date of this code.

Foreo Luna Now At Sephora


Great news! The FOREO Luna, aka my favorite skin care gadget evar, is now available at Sephora! Let’s quickly re-hash why I’m ALL about the Luna!

* No replacement brush heads (what you pay is what you pay – no added cost built in!)

*All silicone – fully rinseable – goes in the shower with you!

* Easier to keep CLEAN because there are no nooks and crevices (under the brush head of a Clarisonic = HORROR SHOW)

* Also works as anti-aging device (massage in serums with it for extra ‘wow factor’ from your serums, too)

* REALLY gentle, even for sensitive skin. (I use the delicate brush head on Clarisonic and Sensitive/Normal for Luna

* Holds a charge FOR-EV-ER. (seriously, I have had mine for MONTHS and I haven’t even charged it yet since the initial charge)

So yeah, the Luna is pretty much the most awesomest (yes, that’s a word now… bwahahaha) skin care thingy ever. And it’s at Sephora now! Which means you can earn BI points on your purchase, buy it during F&F to save $$, and if you aren’t as head over heels in love with it as I am, Sephora’s return policy is the greatest.

Anyone going to be trying out the Luna now that they’re at mama Sephora?! This thing has been life-saving/game-changing for me. When I went to BeWell Expo in October I had someone look at my skin under a microscope (which was definitely as daunting as it sounds), and she said my pores are TOTALLY clear. I owe it to this!! I was given an A+ in skin and it’s totes because of my little Luna.

How To Achieve Supermodel Legs

Whether you’re just looking to tone the thighs or trim down on the hair, getting supermodel legs is hot on the agenda for most women in the run up towards the summer. Going out with bare legs doesn’t take bravery; there are a few simple steps that you can take to ensure body confidence is restored and lovely legs are not hidden away.
Unfortunately for many, legs don’t just tone themselves. Exercise and lots of it is the key to slimming down and toning.  There are thousands of different workouts and exercises, which target the specific muscles you would like to tone up. Your local gym may also have a number of machines, which work to target certain muscles in your body. When considering what regime you would like to undergo to improve your legs, it would be worth seeking professional advice from a personal trainer, who will be able to guide and direct you into getting those luscious legs just in time for summer. Drink lots of water per day to intensify cardio workouts and herbal teas help to speed up the digestion process.
Supermodel Smooth Legs
Whilst personal trainers can help craft great calves, they cannot keep them well maintained. A healthy diet combined with regular exercise will have you well on your way to achieving supermodel legs.  To really get the supermodel look you need silky smooth legs. Supermodels will often have their long legs on show and just like other women, need to remove unwanted hair. Going through the motions of shaving and waxing can be time consuming for a lady on the go; many models might opt for laser hair removal as a result. Yet, you don’t have to be a supermodel to benefit from laser hair removal! Thousands of women regularly ditch the shavers and pick lasers for a permanent hair removal system that works. Not only are lasers less painful than some methods of hair removal, the results are permanent.
Benefits of Laser Hair Removal
It’s cost effective in the long run for women to turn to lasers to remove their unwanted hair instead of splashing the cash on expensive razors, blades, and waxing.  There are several different options for women who are considering laser hair removal. Firstly, you could go to a professional or beauty clinic for a series of sessions over a period of months to get the hair removed.  Secondly, you could buy a laser hair removal device to use at home. This means that you can laser hairs  at your own convenience and in the privacy of your own home. As TRIA laser hair removal reviews that you can read online show, another benefit is that it is a permanent hair removal method. This means that hair is removed permanently and will not grow back. The laser device permanently removes the treated hairs.

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