Sponsored Giveaway: Lip Clear Lysine+

 I was recently contacted on behalf of the makers of Lip Clear Lysine+ to let me know about their product. I personally don’t suffer from cold sores, but according to them more than 60 million of you do, so I thought I should let you guys know about this product. It sounds cool to me, and if I did have cold sores I’d definitely want to know about it.

Lip Clear Lysine+ is an ointment for cold sores that will instantly relieve the symptoms (itch, burning, etc.). They promise no burning sensation upon application, no chemical taste, and that the product will wear under lipstick just fine– good to know. It’s clear, so no one has to know. Lip Clear is also all-natural, which I really like. The best part? It’s clinically proven to cut healing time in half!

Lip Clear is made a combination of natural ingredients that includes zinc and of course lysine, which is a natural amino acid. Lysine is sold OTC in pill form as an immune system supplement, and it also helps boost collagen production. I even give lysine to my cats (note: under a vet’s advice).

Lip Clear Lysine+ is $6.99 and available at drugstores, health stores, supermarkets, and online at their website: www.lipclear.com where you can also find a store locator and printable coupon. :)

Now the giveaway part!

Enter to win a free tube of Lip Clear Lysine+ to try it out (winner– please tell me how you like it! I’m curious.). Entries will be kept private so do not worry about spam to your email address. Contest will close Friday afternoon (I’m on Pacific Time). This giveaway is sponsored by the makers of Lip Clear Lysine+.

Note: While this is a sponsored giveaway, I am not receiving any kind of payment or freebies for posting. I just wanted to pass the word along so YOU guys can get a freebie. ;)

Sick Girl Tool Kit

Hey all!

It’s been a while since I last updated. Sorry about that! I went out of town for a family thing on the 8th and didn’t get back until about 2 in the morning on Monday. While I was gone I had the fortunate luck to get sick! Woohoo! It’s just a yucky cold, but since I have asthma everything hits me harder when it comes to upper respiratory issues. :( I am swiftly on the mend now that I have some good meds, though, and Mr. Boyfriend is taking good care of me!

Since being sick is on my mind lately (haha), I thought I’d share my Sick Girl’s Tool Kit…which is just a bunch of things that I always make sure I have on hand for when I am sick besides medicine.

#1 – Sudacare Shower Soothers in Lavender Mint
These little babies are sooo awesome. My mom turned me on to these a few years ago when I was really sick and she went to the drugstore to get provisions for me. She saw these and thought they sounded cool, haha. They ARE cool. They’re a little tablet that you place on the shower floor. They fizz up and vaporize in the shower, releasing soothing vapors that help clear up congestion. They smell nice and the lavender is very relaxing, and I always breathe a little easier after using them.
Available at Drugstore.com & other drugstores for around $5ish

#2 – Vicks VapoRub
Okay I know this is really kicking it old school, since who doesn’t have some childhood memory of getting smeared with this greasy gunk? Well in researching for this post I have come to find out it is now available in “greaseless cream” formula, but where’s the fun and nostalgia in that?! This concoction contains soothing menthol, eucalyptus oil, and camphor. It is also a topical analgesic, which is medical terminology for “if you smear this on your nose you won’t be able to feel your nose for a while!” which is great when you have a case of raw, ouchy nose. Smear on a little mustache of Vicks before bed for easier sleeping. As an added bonus, I have noticed that the menthol in Vicks is also great for shrinking a blemish over night. It’s not a miracle cure, but I always notice a difference the next morning.
Available at Drugstore.com & other drugstores for around $5ish

#3 – Apple Juice
I can’t stand orange juice. I know it’s good for you and you should drink it when you are sick, but ugh. I hate it. So I guzzle cold apple juice instead. Or gatorade, when I’m not eating because I am feeling too cruddy. Available just about anywhere. :P

#4 – Puffs Plus Lotion Facial Tissues
Holy crap. If there is a Rolls Royce of tissues, this is it. These tissues are comfortable even for the most painful raw nose. It needs the lotion for its skin. Get these.
Available at any drugstore for about $3 or less, but if you have a sore raw nose they’re worth about 10x that.

#5 – Friggin Leopard Print Snuggie
Of course, opting for the leopard print is optional (fools), but it’s the best way to go in blanket with sleeves (!!!) apparel. For those of you Snuggie non-believers out there, you just haven’t had the pleasure of wrapping your shivering, germy body up in its soft, cuddly fleeceness. And for that reason I feel sorry for you. Shun, shun the non-believers. 
Available all over the internet or at Target for around $15

#6 – Bath & Body Works Shea Socks
These socks are super soft microfiber socks that are infused with shea butter. Sounds like a gimmick, but I’ll be damned if they’re not the softest socks I’ve ever had the pleasure of placing on my tootsies. They’re super comfortable, and they have a non-skid bottom which comes in handy if you are clumsy like me, or for wandering into the kitchen in the middle of the night for a glass of water to down yet another dose of Nyquil. (Note: kids, drugs are bad mkay.)

So that’s my sickness arsenal. What do you keep on hand for when you’re down and out with Martian Death Sickness?

Special honorable mention: Always keep makeup wipes on hand when you’re sick. Who feels like going through their regular skincare routine when they’re sick?? Just wipe yourself down with a facial cleansing wipe and get to bed, missy!