On my agenda for IMATS this year was to come home with new brush cleaner. I was all set to go get more Parian Spirit, as I have used and loved that stuff for several years. However, I think they just lost a customer. Not really anything (much) they did wrong, but more about what Cinema Secrets is doing right.
The only real beef I have with Parian Spirit is that their booth at IMATS was cash only. None of the other booths I was shopping at had that issue. I prefer to use my debit card instead of carrying around cash, so I decided to go elsewhere rather than leave empty-handed. I tried the Japonesque booth since they carry a branded version of Parian Spirit, but they weren’t selling it at the show – probably because Parian Spirit was there.
Then I remembered Cinema Secrets has brush cleaner, so I cruised on over to their booth. Reasons why I will be sticking with CS. I vastly prefer the fragrance of the Cinema Secrets brush cleaner because it’s vanilla vs. the strong citrus of PS. I also like that the CS has no expiration date. PS has a shelf life of approximately 6 months for maximum effectiveness.
So I got the 32 oz bottle. I will decant it into a smaller spray bottle and use that. But 32 oz of brush cleaner is a lot so it will last me a very long time, basically forever…I’ll be set for life. Okay not really, but a very long time – hence the title of this post. Because I got the giant bottle, the price worked out cheaper than the Parian Spirit too.
So, sorry Parian Spirit. Nothing personal really. See ya.