April MUA of the Month – Josh Collier


Meet our guinea pig! Err, very first Makeup Artist of the Month– Josh Collier! :)

I’m Josh! I currently work as a District Trainer with Hourglass Cosmetics in the Mid-Atlantic Region (DC, MD, VA), a freelance makeup artist, and a general makeup and skincare enthusiast who shares his passion for the industry on YouTube.

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Changes at All Cosmetics Wholesale

Without question, All Cosmetics Wholesale has become one of the most popular etailers for high-end cosmetics. As a source of legitimate, 100% authentic brands such as Bobbi Brown, Stila, Tarte, and of course MAC, bloggers and beauty junkies have been buzzing about ACW.

This morning, ACW owner Sheri announced on the homepage that they are changing their name and launching a brand new website! ACW will soon become Suite 7 Beauty, and the ACW site will redirect to suite7beauty.com. I wanted to find out more about the change, and Sheri was sweet enough to take the time for a short interview exclusive to The Gloss Menagerie!

Q: Why did you decide to change the name from ACW to Suite 7 Beauty?
A: We have made the name change as our company has added so many full retail cosmetic lines and will continue to do so.  While we will continue to offer discount cosmetic products on Suite 7 Beauty, we felt the ACW name has become somewhat confusing with the added full retail lines.  We want our customers to have a great experience with us thus any confusion on this topic needed to cleared up and we felt the best way to do that was a name change. 

Q: What’s the story behind the name Suite 7 Beauty?
A:  There is a very personal story behind the Suite 7 name.  One I prefer to keep for myself at this time.  What I can tell you is that the number/name is very near and dear to my heart and really speaks to the most positive life experiences. 

Q: Can you give readers a sneak peek of what the new website will be like?
A: Unfortunately I can’t give a sneak peek.  In part because I myself have not even had my hands on it yet.  It is in the final days of completion thus I have to wait myself. 

Q: Any other new things we can look forward to?
A:  As for new things to look forward to, we are really excited that our new site will no longer display items that are sold out.  This is a feature our current site will not provide.  This is one of the biggest reasons for our move. 

In addition, we are adding enhanced shipping for our amazing international buyers.  The new International Expedited Shipping service will have full tracking on every parcel as our domestic shipments have always had.  We will continue to offer the first class method to only select countries as we do now.  That method is still not trackable.  The other great thing about our new shipping service is that shipment times will be cut down to a matter of days, rather than weeks.  We literally have some customers in a few countries that wait as long as 8 weeks for delivery of their orders from us.  That will no longer be the case I am overwhelmingly happy to say. 

There are quite a lot of great features in our new home for everyone to look forward to!

Interview with Sara of The Makeup Snob

I recently joined Beauty Blogs Backstage, a really cool site for beauty bloggers to get to know other beauty bloggers by interviewing them! This month I interviewed the lovely Sara from The Makeup Snob!
Are you a ‘snob’ about anything besides makeup?
I think I can be. I tend to have an idea that things should be a certain way ( i.e food, coffee, service, lol ) and I sometimes can voice my opinions in a “snobby” manner. But for the most part I am really easy going about most things.
What in your makeup stash is the most special to you and why?
Probably my smoking eyes quad from MAC. Smoke Signals was the first MAC collection that I fell in love with. I can wear this quad even on my worst day and feel fabulous!
Quick, someone’s going on a Starbucks run! What’s your drink?
Venti triple shot skinny carmel macchiato on a good day, If I am looking for a treat– Green Tea fraps are my favorite!
If someone were to name a beauty product after you, what would it be?
I love this question so much, But it’s hard! I dont know! I would honestly have to pay someone to think this up for me. Creative.. I am not. lol.
The Gloss Menagerie recently had a contest involving most embarrassing moments. What’s yours?
This is so hard, Did people actually fess up to this? jk! The moment that stands out in my head the most would be when I went to Vegas with my husband for a special birthday event for a local rapper. I was in the VIP area of the stage which was elevated from the floor and in everyone’s view. I straight stepped right off the edge, missed the two stairs below and landed flat on my back. There were hundreds of people there who saw me and it was awful to say the least. I think Im starting to turn red now just thinking about it!
What is the number one beauty product you consider a “must-have” for your purse?
I always have MAC blot powder in my purse. Never fail. It saves my combination skin almost daily without making me look chalky mid-day.
Has being a blogger led you to any unexpected experiences?
I think the whole expierence is kind of unexpected. I started my blog as more of a way to keep track of my beauty spending. Then turned it in a couple diffrent directions. But I never imagined I would have the opportunity to connect with so many amazing readers and fellow bloggers. I have made friends from other states as well as across the oceans that I couldnt imagine being without!
Thanks Sara & Beauty Blogs Backstage! This was fun. :) Can’t wait ’til next month’s interview.