Urban Decay Naked 2 Palette Swatches

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While I was in Ulta today I decided to swatch the Urban Decay Naked 2 palette. I’ve heard so many raves about the palette, so I figure some of you must be still mulling over purchasing it. I didn’t buy it today because it’s $50 and I’ve been shopping a lot lately (little hauls mostly but still, it adds up!), and actually I’m still not sold on it for me. 

The shades are lovely! I really like them. There are lots of pretty neutrals (and some taupey goodness, yum) including highlights that are fabulous (the one on the top of the 2nd picture is Verve, and it’s gorgeous – UD please release this as a single!). But for me and my particular stash, it’s not… a must-have? If that makes sense. It’s a “nice to have”. It’s not a palette I’ll rush out and buy any time soon, but one I might consider if there’s a F&F sale going on. My reasoning is that I have so many neutrals, as there are tons of neutral palettes out there (with the success of the first Naked palette, it seems EVERYONE else had to jump on the neutral palette bandwagon).
If you don’t have a ton of neutrals in your stash already like I do, by all means go get it. The shades are beautiful and soft, almost creamy texture– with the exception of Blackout, the matte black. It’s kind of dry feeling. Not chalky, but dry and harder than the other shadows. I’m not sure why that happened, because UD can do a great black matte (Perversion anyone?). I keep hearing how this one is more cool-toned friendly, and I suppose there are a couple more cool shades in this one than Naked 1 if you’re wavering on which one to buy. For now, I’ll stick with my Naked 1 and be happy.