I’ve been meaning to review these for a while now but work has been suuuuuuuuuuper busy so basically all I wanna do when I get home is eat dinner, veg out for a little while, and pass the f out. Lather, rinse, repeat.
I jumped at the chance to try these because Toothy Tabs are such a unique product. They’re little ‘tabs’ that are about the same size and shape as Smarties candy. You crunch up the tab between your front teeth and it foams up like crazy, giving you a lathery toothpaste. Then it’s time to grab your toothbrush and do yo’ thang. You do have to spit and/or rinse; the toothpaste is just that– toothpaste. They emphasize that these are not breath mints that you would crunch up and swallow.
LUSH Toothy Tabs come in several different varieties with different flavors. Chou Chou…I Love You Toothy Tabs are rose/lemon flavored. I often think standard mint toothpastes can be too strong (and forget cinnamon! ack!) so I was intrigued to try something lemon/rose flavored. The lemon though is pretty darn bitter. It’s not awful, but it’s not particularly to my liking either. Should’ve stuck with mint, lol. If I were to try another flavor I’d probably go for the Dirty tabs. The after-effect is pretty cool. My teeth feel squeaky clean, just like with my regular toothpaste.
The little box is about the size of a pack of gum and holds 40 tabs, and costs $4.95. As is often the case with products like this, quality costs more. But if you travel a lot these are great to toss into a purse or carry-on. You could even keep them in your desk at work…hmm… ;)
Product sent for editorial consideration.
Compensation: Fresh breath.
Compensation: Fresh breath.