The Worst Smelling Beauty Products Ever

I think I speak for a lot of us beauty product users when I say that a good product is the total package. It has to look nice, feel nice, and usually smell nice. But there are some products out there that…well, just plain STINK. And I’m outing them. Sooo hold your nose and keep reading for my Top 10 Worst Smelling Beauty Products

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Window Shopping – Sephora

Please tell me I’m not the only one who does this? I like to go to my favorite sites like Sephora, Ulta, etc. and just browse. Sometimes I even fill up shopping carts and “pretend shop” – I don’t actually order the stuff (I’d spend thousands of dollars lol…) but it’s just a fun thing I like to do. I’m not alone, right??? 

Anyway, I thought…this might be fun to share! Here are the things that made me go “ooo” when I was browsing Sephora tonight.

Oh hello there. What have we here? It’s the new Smoky Palette by Makeup Forever. It’s not yet available; it has the dreaded “coming soon” on the Sephora website. However, it’ll be just $45 which is a steal for 8 MUFE shadows. This went immediately on my Amazon wishlist!
And then there’s this new Sinner palette from Kat Von D. Kelsey (BalmaholicTV on youtube) told me about this baby. It looks really pretty, and apparently none of those shadows are those godawful cream shadows! This one is $35, and also not yet available – but that won’t stop me from putting it on my wishlist too. I will say that even though there are purples in this palette, I think I like the looks of the MUFE palette better.
This caught my eye a few days ago but I went back to look at it again and it’s still just as beautiful. Josie Maran has released 3 new eye quints (4 shadows and 1 shadow liner). The one pictured above is my favorite, called Beautiful Nudes. Don’t they just look like they’d be soft and buttery to apply?! They’re $36.
I have been wanting to try this since I heard of its release – the Philosophy Purity Made Simple cleansing oil. I have so much skin care that I’m trying to finish up though, I haven’t justified it. But I will get my paws on this eventually! Just you watch. I LOVE Purity Made Simple (the original, not the foaming or the wipes), so I’m anxious to see if I love this as much. 
Behold, the cuteness. A Hello Kitty shower cap. I’m not a huge shower cap person; I usually just use disposables. But this is adorable. The reviews say it’s sturdy and not a throw-away type thing, which is good since it’s $16. But what really caught my eye about this shower cap is the memory I have associated with shower caps. I used to have a white one with rainbow polka dots. My cat Sienna was just a baby at the time, and every time I’d put on my shower cap she would FREAK OUT, arch her back, and run away from me sideways while hissing with all her mighty kitten-ness. I wonder if she’d like this one better?
…plus bonus picture of Sienna, who is much more grown up and less afraid of shower caps now. ;)
A couple of other observations while browsing on Sephora:
WTF? Why is this Stila palette $75? This is coming from the makers of the blockbuster palette that was $20 at Costco? I are confuse.
Ooo, pretty shiny things – Nails Inc. is now available at Sephora. PRETTY. Have you tried any of these polishes? I’d love to know your thoughts. They’re a UK brand and I haven’t tried them before.
Did any of you pick up the Urban Decay 15th Anniversary palette? I did. I haven’t played with it much yet, but I wanna know what you guys think. Do you love it? Do you notice a difference in the new eye shadow formula?
That’s it for now! What have you been eyeing at Sephora lately?

What is Going ON Here?

I got an email this morning about a new freebie e.l.f. is giving away. Nothing really new to see here; it’s one of their mini makeup kits. Now it’s red for Valentine’s day. Fancy.

But what caught my eye about this advertisement is…

(click to view full size)
I’ll give you a moment.
Give up?
WTF is going on with her EYELASHES? It’s either really bad mascara or, a better guess is really odd looking lash extensions…or maybe she even uses Latisse. I’ve heard it can cause your lashes to look all…tangled. But it definitely made me go “wtf?”. I didn’t spit out my coffee though because I haven’t had any yet. :( *whine* Ok let’s all feel sorry for poor Alyson who has had no coffee.
But really. Whoa.

Stay Klassy Urban Decay

Most people can appreciate a bit of edginess or quirkiness in a person. It keeps them interesting, and it makes us talk about them. But then they take it too far and end up wearing a swan, looking just plain weird, and before you know it– being lowered from the ceiling in a banana.

It seems brands struggle with this too. Some brands, like NARS, manage to stay edgy without looking like they are trying too hard with their Safer Set and Safest Set. Condoms and a book of tips on how to say no to sex gets people talking, but they also serve a purpose. NARS also donates a portion of the sale proceeds from these products to AIDS and safe sex education programs. Nifty! The “Hi, this is a marketing gimmick” vibe is not so strong.

…And then there’s…this.

Urban Decay Pocket Rocket Lip Gloss. What. The. Eff.
For those of you not familiar with this ‘gem’ of a product, the gimmick is two-fold. First, tilt the tube back and forth to reveal the picture of the man on cap in his undies. I am not kidding you. It’s like one of those dirty slider pens you might get at a bachelorette party, but it’s on a lipgloss.

Gimmick part 2: need to lure a real man? (Urban Decay’s words, not mine), rub the tube! It releases undetectible pheromones.

Okay really?

When Urban Decay was going around naming products after drugs and making actually a pretty solid line of vegan cosmetics I thought they were really cool. So what is this crap? The gloss comes in 8 colors, each named after the featured man on the tube. There’s even a “cute” little bio about each man’s personality (and sexual prowess). For example:

“David is a hard-working man: at work, in the gym, and most importantly, in bed. After a grueling 60-hour week, he still has the energy to come over and put his 110% into you. Undress him to inspect your benefits package. “

Urban Decay, you’ve officially jumped the edginess shark into Klassy McTacky Town. Better put some lipstick on your teeth and slap on some 3 inch fake nails. I’m not buying it.

WTF MakeUpAlley?

Is anyone else getting a little tired of MakeUpAlley giving bloggers so much sh*t for sharing their blog links with other MUAers?

Newsflash MUA Moderators: Bloggers are not going away.

I know why they do it…because many bloggers earn revenue through their blogs and sharing the link is free advertising and possibly generates revenue. MakeUpAlley only wants the people who pay them to get the benefit of advertising on their site (and there are ads everywhere on the site…but that’s a whole other topic!). Okay, understandable. I guess.

But seriously? Banning some of the most contributing members of your community? MakeUpAlley, no! Wrong idea. Bad. It makes you look like a-holes. People who care enough to blog about makeup in addition to chatting about it on your forums are the same people who write the most comprehensive reviews that make MUA such a great site.

So chill. the eff. out. Take your finger off the ‘ban’ trigger, moddies.

This will remain my opinion until MUA produces any evidence that a blogger has affected their income by taking revenue away. Yeah. Right.

I Have Officially Seen Everything

Okay cosmetics companies. Everything has officially been done. Might as well not try and be innovative anymore because, well, this tops you. Period.

Ladies (and gentlemen?) I give you…

J&D’s Bacon Flavored Lip Balm

I am not making this up. I swear. For $3.99 (and free shipping) you can be the proud owner of bacon lip balm. J&D’s motto is “everything should taste like bacon”. And well, I think I’ve seen everything.