Taupe Alert!

Sup taupe addicts?

You know who you are. ;)

Well, you need to buy this. This is serious taupe business. Taupe alert level red. Err. Taupe.

I give you…Mad Minerals indellible creme eye shadow in Immortal. The color description says “soft and timeless grey/brown/cream frost”– which to me says TAUPE so I took a chance and bought it.

Oh dear lord. It’s HEAVENLY BEAUTIFUL. And utterly outstanding quality. I may have finally found a creme shadow that doesn’t crease on me. I also got Curacao because I’m a fan of the drink (lol) and Nude Frost. And very soon when I can spare the cash I will probably buy, oh, every single one of these. Because holy damn. They’re amazing. Immortal in particular though…the color has a depth and dimension that I can compare to some of the gorgeous shadows I’ve seen in Dior quint palettes. It was very difficult to get a color-accurate picture of it, unfortunately.
These eyeshadows retail for $8.99 at Mad Minerals (link above).

Next on my list? Plumkin, Intergallactic, Forest, and Green Tea. But really? They are all beautiful.


  1. Tanya Annette says
  2. GlossMenagerieDotCom says

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