Tendertones? Who Needs Em!

I need to write about L’Oreal HiP Jelly Balms. Because I can’t stop using them.

I’ve never been shy about how I hate potted lip stuff. But these are just so awesome that I have made an exception. These little babies are dupes of MAC Tendertones, but better. They’re thicker, have no SPF, and smell different. The colors seem a bit more pigmented, too. I prefer no SPF because I do not do very well with a lot of SPF products. They have a gorgeous texture. It’s thick and sticky without being obnoxious.

They’re very moisturizing and yummy. Tinted balm is one of my favorite makeup products for everyday. And they smell like caramel apples. Bonjour!

The two shades I have are Succulent, a deep pink, and Luscious, a very vampy looking burgundy plum. I highly recommend these if you can find them on BOGO sale. I believe they are BOGO at CVS and RiteAid as of today.

Jelly Balms are permanent, by the way! ;) No limited edition nonsense. *cough* MAC *cough*


  1. T says
  2. Alyson says

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