Hey all! I am back! I had to take a brief “break” just due to being insanely busy in the days leading up to and following my birthday, which was on 8/22. I’m 25 now! Hooray! Thank you all so much for the happy birthday wishes on Facebook & Twitter. You guys rock! :) I have the sweetest readers & online friends in the world. Fact.
By the way, the photo above is me with my birthday tiara. My boyfriend got it for me last year on my birthday and I wore it all day (even to the grocery store) last year. I decided to continue on the tradition and wear it all day this year too. The nails are one of my FAVORITE polishes ever – Zoya Phoebe from the Mod Mattes collection. I have topcoat over it though making it shiny instead of matte because unless I do that these chip like mother you-know-what. Sigh. :P
Other than birthday & family festivities, some other exciting news is going on too! As some of you know, I not only blog for The Gloss Menagerie, but also for iEnhance.com (a PlasticSurgery.com site). Well, starting this week, I am also going to be blogging over at MyStyleBell as well as managing the blog/social media! I am very excited for this and hope you will all show your support by checking MSB out and subscribing. The blog is mainly focused on all things hair-related, so enjoy!
Wearing my tiara out to dinner, which was a ton of delicious Indian food. YUM!!!!! I felt like a prom queen.
Sorry the pic is grainy, but this is my birthday makeup look. It looks cakey but that’s the grainy photo quality, not the makeup.
For face I don’t really have much to cover now so I’m just wearing Dr. Jart+ Water Fuse BB Cream with some powder. The smoky eye is a combination of MAC Patina (lid), Clue (crease), and Kid (to blend) with WnW Creme Brulee as my highlight. For eyeliner I wore MAC Brun applied basically into the upper and lower lash lines. The mascara I’m not wild about but I’m using it up. It’s L’Oreal Voluminous in Carbon Black (waterproof). This stuff is so not waterproof by the way. I have another mascara that I will post about soon that I like way better, but I didn’t have it handy.
It’s hard to see because it’s subtly applied, but I have Rock ‘n Republic blush in Spank on my cheeks along with TheBalm Mary Lou-manizer highlight. Lips are MAC Hue, an old stand-by favorite.
Tired, and full of Indian food, but REALLY happy. :)