(click the banner to visit LORAC’s site and get this deal!)
Today is LORAC Love day for me…I’m loving LORAC’s new fall stuff. On that note, I just heard about an awesome steal, an exclusive VIP Starter Kit on LORAC’s website. These are all FULL SIZED products (except for the mini bronzer)! Unbelievable deal for some great stuff. The $18.50 kit includes:
3 Eyeshadows: Cappuccino, Harmony, Persuasion
2 Cream Lipsticks: Eloise, Charity
2 Lip Polishes: Delicious, Bliss
Double Ended Eyeliner/Shadow Brush
Mini TANtalizer baked bronzer
Front of the Line Liquid Eyeliner in Black
The set’s retail value is $160!!!!!!!!! (Just LOOK at all those exclamation points!! This is serious!!) And they’re pricing it at only $18.50 while supplies last!
I am wearing the Front of the Line liquid eyeliner today and I have to say of any felt tipped liquid eyeliner THIS one is the easiest one to use. I’ve said many times on the blog that I am “eyeliner retarded”…well this one can make even me look good. I have it in black, and brown and green shades are available as well. Can I just tell you how refreshing it is to see a company offer a green? So many stop at black and brown. Black and brown are not the only neutrals, makeup brands! Green, navy, grey…all of them are fantastic neutrals as well! So yay for LORAC “going green”. ;)
I have also tried the TANtalizer bronzer. I’m not that into bronzer, but if you like the sparkly bronzy goodness of something like MAC Warmed MSF, you’ll love TANtalizer. I like stuff like this because you can also use it as a shimmery eyeshadow, too. And when foiled, or used wet, these baked products look amazing on the eyes.
If you already know you’re a LORAC fan and you want to spend more to get free shipping (LORAC has free shipping over $50) I have some ideas for what you should grab, too!
SPF 15, smooth creamy color with vitamin E, olive oil, and collagen-boosting. Paraben free, too! I highly recommend Nude Scene (LOVE this!), or for a “my lips but better” look, Premiere. There are also some really lovely reds in this line. Leading Lady is your classic Hollywood starlet red.
$22 ea
You know how I feel about baked goods. These are no exception. They go on a bit nicer than the MAC Mineralized blushes, too. There’s no crazy glitter Shh, don’t tell MAC I said that. ;) I wish there were more colors of these, but Velvet Rope is very, very pretty.
$24 ea
Also stop by the VIP Discount section. There are some major deals there on lovelies such as the Pink Python and Snake Charmer palettes (each are now under $20!).
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