The Gloss Menagerie – New Features

Hey all!

I’m taking a quick break from all the makeup to tell you about the new features here at The Gloss Menagerie!

The Gloss Menagerie is now syndicated by FeedBurner! You’ll notice subscribe links on the right hand side of the page. You may subscribe via your own reading software or by email. If you sign up by email your information will never be sold.

If you have a paid account on Livejournal you may syndicate my blog on your buddylist by using the following url:

Unfortunately it’s only available to paid accounts until I myself get a paid account and can create a LJ syndicated feed account.

I have a logo now! You like? :) I designed it yesterday.

I have also been re-arranging the elements on the toolbar at right. I think this arrangement will be better for everyone.

And finally…the chatbox! If you wanted to jot down a quick hello or have a question/comment etc. you may post it in the chatbox! Questions asked on the chatbox will be answered in my blog. If you want to contact me privately you may use the email address at the top of the page- gloss.

I hope you enjoy the new features!


  1. Elvira says

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