The Gloss Menagerie Testing Lab

In order to properly review beauty products, there are lots of different things we bloggers do that the average person may not necessarily do before deciding if a product is good or not. We try to take into account lots of different scenarios when approaching a product, and usually have our own standards for performance of various products, whatever type they are. I decided to give you a little peek into the products I’m testing out. I am calling this the “lab”. ;)
Right now in the lab I’m working with a brand that is new to me – ClickR skin care. ClickR is a 100% vegan skin care brand formulated for the needs of younger skin. What I am liking so far is ClickR doesn’t assume young = acneic. I’m actually using their Skin Polishing Kit, which is more of an exfoliating, breakout preventing type deal rather than a line chock full of acne treatments. However, for those who do have acne, ClickR has you covered too. I’ve only had a chance to use the kit once so far, but I enjoyed it! My skin is quite dry, but also very clog prone and it exfoliated without making my skin tight or uncomfortable. Hooray!
Also new to me right now is Redken haircare. I was introduced to Redken’s products at Images Salon when I went in for my highlights, and I have been trying out their Color Extend shampoo and conditioner to keep my new fab color looking good as long as possible (red is such a pain to keep in your hair!). I may decide to alternate with Smooth Down (especially on the days I air dry), which was recommended for my hair as well. I am also going to give their Blow Dry gel a shot the next time I take the time to actually style my hair. ;) 
I’ve been so into hair and skin the last few months because makeup is such a chore to wear in the hottest summer weather, but I am excited to share some new brushes by adesign with you very soon! I’ve been road testing these prototypes for a while now, and I think you’ll love them.
I haven’t posted a makeup look in a while. I hope to get one up soon using the Urban Decay 15th Anniversary palette. Any requests on what type of look?

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