Top Summer Fragrance Picks

A lot of you guys have been liking my top picks posts, so here are my top picks for summery fragrances.

#1 – Escada Ocean Lounge
I love this fragrance. I don’t shop for perfumes very often because I feel like a lot of them are really expensive, and not worth spending that much money on. However, I was walking into my local Ulta when I caught a whiff of something. It smelled like sexy fruit punch! I followed my nose over to a display of perfumes and sniffed each one to figure out what it was, and it ended up being Ocean Lounge. The top notes are plum, strawberry, pear, and lychee. The strawberry in this really sings. The packaging is also really fun, although a bit top heavy. It reminds me of a sunset, and hints at summer parties. This one has been out a while, so you can probably find it for a discount online or at stores like TJ Maxx.

#2 – mark. Self Sanctuary Lemon Sugar
If you like sweet, citrusy smells that will wake up your nose and make you feel invigorated, Lemon Sugar is for you. You may have heard of Lemon Sugar by Fresh, but that’s what, $75? This smells the same or better and will run you $12. It’s my mom’s favorite; she’s gone through multiple bottles. The best part is it’s available in a shower gel and body butter too, perfect for layering! This is the type of fragrance that won’t offend people around you. It smells like summer days outside at a barbecue, sipping a lemonade. It’s available at my mark. e-boutique.
#3 – Bath & Body Works Sweet Pea edt
Sweet Pea is one of the first fragrances from Bath & Body Works I ever encountered. It’s sweet, very sweet. It’s a blend of sweet pea petals and fruit. There’s enough of a solid musk base to keep it from smelling like little girl perfume, though. If you like your fragrances sweet, but not so candyish, this one will appeal to you. Also, as an added bonus, guys seem to really like this one. Definitely a great date fragrance. ;) xoxo
There are also some fragrances that I love that are discontinued. They’re great for summer, and still readily available if you’re willing to do some online hunting. Those fragrances are…
  • Arrogance Mix Lime Sugar
  • Bath & Body Works Enchanted Orchid edt
  • C.O. Bigelow Lemon Lime Fragrance Mist
And can I just say how badly I wish Bath & Body Works Fresh Lime Basil (from the antibac line) would come out in the signature line of body care products? OH MY GOD. Can you tell I’m obsessed with LIME? If you have any lime-scented suggestions please let me know. ;)


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