Upcoming Reviews: Sneak Peek

Currently, I’m trying out a bunch of products to review for you all. I thought it might be fun to give you guys a little preview of the upcoming reviews, and an update of how testing is going. 

I’m testing a few different products by emerginC. One of which has already been put in the “do not want” category because it just doesn’t work for my skin. The other two… eh, we’ll see. I also just got a sunscreen from Dermagenics to try out. I haven’t had a chance to play with it yet though.

Just one hair product in my testing rotation right now, and that’s a gorgeous Healthy Hair brush by Olivia Garden. It actually just came in the mail today and it’s a beautiful hair brush and I hope it makes me feel as pretty as it looks! I’m having some hair woes (and I really need a re-dye!) right now, so I’ll definitely keep you all posted.

Got some exciting makeup stuff in testing rotation right now! A couple different foundations (the latest from Rimmel and the HD Dual Foundation by Eve Pearl) as well as Eve Pearl’s salmon concealer/treatment. Of course there’s the stuff I hauled on my first Inglot trip that is waiting for review too, and I have a special feature coming up soon as well that focuses on one of summer’s hottest beauty trends. That’s not even everything coming up, so you better stay tuned for makeup madness in the near future. ;)

Anyone wanna see some China Glaze swatches? How about Zoya? Coming soon! Watch this space. Also does anyone have a recommendation for a REALLY shiny top coat? Tell me your experiences!

I might even have a fashion review or two coming up! I know, that seems ridiculous if you know me– I am no fashionista! However, I do like to share my knowledge with the common, everyday ladies like me who may not know who the designers are, but just like to look good without spending a ton of money. Besides, plus sized clothes shopping is a bitch. We could all use help sometimes.
Boyfriend Reviews

Mr. Boyfriend is hard at work (*ahem*) testing out UNLTD, a cologne by Ecco. ;) His review is coming shortly.

If you have any requests for reviews (or any other kind of post?) I am VERY open to your suggestions! Just leave me a comment if you have a request or suggestion. After all, my blog wouldn’t be very exciting if I didn’t have you to share it with. ;)


  1. chaosbutterfly says

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