Urban Decay Mystery Token

I and a bunch of fellow beauty bloggers and vloggers received these mysterious tokens in the mail today from Urban Decay. To me they look like eye shadow compacts (what you can’t see is they flip open just like a MAC pot, but these don’t have a bottom.
If you’ve been on Twitter, you’ve probably seen the hashtag #UD68 floating around. On the inside of the box my token came in was this cryptic message:
“We’re about to blow your mind. Tweet us a photo of your token for more deets. #UD68”
Alright, I’ll bite. I tweeted my photo (the same one as above). I’m pretty sure it has to do with eye shadows, given this little token compact. But what does the 68 mean? 68 new eye shadows? That seems like uh, a lot. What’s going on?
What do you think the mystery is?
I’ll update when all is revealed!


  1. Nancy-Lee says

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