Vegas, Baby!

Dear readers, by the time most of you read this I will be en route to Las Vegas! Mr. Boyfriend and I are headed out for a little getaway. Hooray! I will be tweeting (and maybe blogging…) from Vegas, but don’t expect too much outta me! Maybe the occasional drunk tweet? Hopefully? haha. I will also be getting my hair ‘did at the Aveda Institute Las Vegas thanks to Las Vegas Groupon! Woohoo! So I will tweet pics/maybe even blog about the new ‘do. I really like Aveda on a whole. Every Aveda stylist I’ve been to has been extremely well-trained, professional, and did a great job. Another stylist I have been to used to be an Aveda instructor, and I adored him. So basically, Aveda rocks. I think if I were to go to cosmo school, I’d want to go to an Aveda Institute. 
In Vegas there is an Inglot boutique (it’s in the Forum Shops at Caesar’s Palace if you’re curious). I don’t want to turn this trip into a big makeup shopping extravaganza (my boyfriend would kill me!) but I do intend on stopping by. 
Readers, if you’re in Vegas…get in touch. Perhaps we can meet up for a coffee and some Inglot swatching! I’ve never really done a blog reader meet & greet, unless you count informally at IMATS. It’d be really fun to meet any of you who are in the area. 


  1. Stanley says
  2. Stanley says

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