VIDEO: Nail Polish Storage & Favorite Polishes

Another video! If you’re 21+, you can play the drinking game. Very simple, just take a drink every time I say the word “pretty”, lol.

The video features my massive nail polish stash and its “containment system”, which is a red Ikea helmer. I’m not sure how many there are; I’ve actually never counted! I love the helmer. It was not that much money, looks nicer than plastic drawers, and is a lot more sturdy. It wasn’t even very hard to put together (Mr. Boyfriend helped). It also comes in grey and white, but I wanted the red to kinda jazz up my office area. If you wanted to, you could decorate it with magnets, as the whole thing is made out of metal.

All of the polishes featured as favorites were purchased by me. I get my polishes & nail supplies from:

Cherry Culture
Migi Nail Art
Buy In Coins
brand websites like MAC/Urban Decay etc.
Makeup Alley swaps
drugstores like CVS & Walgreens
and various brick & mortar beauty supply stores


  1. Thefairestme says
  2. sally beauty supply says
  3. Beauty Products says

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