The UK-based Illamasqua (pronounced ill-uh-mass-kwa) that has been garnering a lot of interest by Youtube gurus and others will be available in the United States this month! Hooray! Cosmetics mecca Sephora has picked up the brand and will begin carrying it online on July 21st. The line will be available in-store starting July 30th. I am not sure if this is going to be a line available at all Sephoras, or only at the bigger ones like certain other brands, but either way this is great news! I will be very interested to swatch and play, and to see what the US pricing is like. ;) Temptalia’s posts about Illamasqua definitely caught my attention; the lipsticks look really nice.
Welcome Illamasqua!
How about you? Are you excited for Illamasqua?