If you have ever been browsing Twitter, Youtube, or any other beauty-related site you have probably come across this term: CCO.
If you asked yourself, “what is a CCO?”, here is your answer! And I will blow your mind.
CCO stands for Cosmetics Company Outlet, and it refers to a chain of Estee Lauder outlets. Strangely, the outlets are actually called Cosmetics Company Store. Why is it called a CCO and not a CCS? I have no idea. Don’t ask questions, just sit back and enjoy.
The CCO/CCS carries products from all different Estee Lauder brands at 30% off. This includes MAC, Clinique, Estee Lauder, all of the Kohls beauty lines, Origins, and Bobbi Brown. I have also seen Bumble & Bumble at my CCO. There may be a few other bits ‘n bobs, but that’s the main selection. There is also Prescriptives, and once that stuff is gone it’s gone since Prescriptives is no more.
What products do they carry? Unfortunately that’s kind of a crap shoot. There’s almost no way of knowing what will or won’t show up at the CCO. However, the ladies on Specktra keep each other posted on what’s at their CCOs after they visit, which is very helpful! There are both discontinued products and regular line products that the stores/counters needed to move to keep merchandise moving.
To find your local CCO, try searching at OutletBound.com. But remember you’re searching for “Cosmetics Company Store”.
There is also a similar store for L’Oreal-owned brands called The Company Store. It carries Shu Uemura, Lancome, and honestly I do not know what else since I’ve only gone a couple times, lol.
Unfortunately, CCOs do not ship product, so you must shop in person. So hopefully you have one near you and you can get in on the savings!
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