What’s That On Your Face?

More whining about skin issues. Sorry gals, but it’s a hot topic for me right now. I usually have fairly clear skin, with maybe the occasionable manageable blemish. My main issues are that my skin is sensitive, and has a tendency towards being very oily and shiny. But usually NOT battling epic breakouts.

Until now. :\

I haven’t broken out this bad since last year when I tried Alpha Hydrox SoufflĂ©. That threw my skin for a major loop. I had horrible cystic breakouts all over for over a month. Not cute.

Well right now there is a lot of “seismic activity” happening on my face and I’m not liking it! I am going back to basics as of today. It’s a face product lockdown. Nothing goes on my face that isn’t absolutely established 100% as harmless. What does that mean for me? Here is my routine:


Purpose Gentle Cleansing Wash – The most gentle cleanser in the whole wide world. I can rub this on my eyes and it doesn’t burn at all. AND it gets everything off.
100% pure aloe vera gel – all natural and clear w/ no dyes or fragrances.


Aspirin mask – More about this later.
Clean & Clear Persagel – maximum strength benzoyl peroxide topical. The active ingredient is 10%
Paula’s Choice Beta Hydroxy Liquid – the best damn liquid chemical exfoliator on the planet.


Only eyes and lips. Nothing goes on my face except maybe a little mineral concealer until the inflammation goes down more consistently.

The only exception to these rules is if I have a job interview. This is lockdown, people.


  1. Kaitlyn says
  2. The Gloss Menagerie says

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