When You’re Not Feeling So Lovely

This post is inspired by this past weekend when I took myself a little trip to the emergency room. Leave it to a beauty freak to be inspired to write based on that, right? I’ve spent the last few days feeling pretty crappy and not feeling too motivated to get pretty. And to make matters worse, a blemish has sprouted on my face in the midst of all this.

What’s a girl to do? When I’m feeling down in the dumps, it’s important that I take time to take care! I like to do the following things…

Get a little “pick me up”. This time around it was new underwear. There’s just something refreshing about new panties, isn’t there ladies? And a pretty new bra? My body has been rebelling against me so I’m not so fond of it right now, but putting on cute new underthings helps improve that thinking.

Take a bath. Baths are soothing as well as relaxing. They’re also a good opportunity to do a nice envigorating body scrub, or use bath salts with essential oils that will make my skin feel great. Afterwards, I lather up in my favorite lotion.

Take care of my hair. Beautiful hair can make any girl feel like a princess, so when I feel lousy I like to make sure to use my Sunsilk HydraTLC masque on my hair.

Put on a happy face. Masking, oh masking. I love facial masks as you know, and peel-off masks are especially entertaining. Yeah, I was that kid peeling the dried Elmer’s glue off of my hands, too. Hey– that removes splinters! ;)

Rest my skin. Okay, I feel like crud. I deserve to be as comfortable as possible. So, believe it or not, I have been known to go out without foundation or cover-up when I feel sick. You’d think that would make me feel worse, right? But it’s kind of freeing to just not give a shit about that sometimes. Today I wore only mascara and lipsick to work. Well, okay, I filled in my brows too. But that’s a given. The bonus is that in addition to the extra time in the morning I had to press the snooze, my skin got a break.

Hopefully these little tips help you out. I’m starting to perk up already.

Also, I have to tell you all…when I was in the ER, there were some tears shed. My mark. Make It Big mascara did NOT budge at all. And neither did MAC Fluidline in Nightfish. The NYC eyeliner on my waterline was somewhat rubbed off but actually a fair amount of that stayed on for the ordeal, too!


  1. Stella says
  2. Alyson says
  3. Katrina says

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